Category: Insurance

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The Largest Benefit of No-Fault Insurance
Mon Mar 2024

The Largest Benefit of No-Fault Insurance

New Jersey is one of 12 states that have no-fault insurance. This means all parties involved in a motor vehicle accident must file claims and seek compensation from their own car i

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What You Need to Know about NJ’s Auto Insurance Threshold Law
Thu Nov 2017

What You Need to Know about NJ’s Auto Insurance Threshold Law

In our final installment on car insurance, our focus is on NJ’s auto insurance threshold law. As a part of tort reform, the state legislature enacted particular requirements when

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HIPPA Regulations and Workers’ Compensation
Mon Apr 2015

HIPPA Regulations and Workers’ Compensation

If you have received medical treatment, you have most likely acknowledged receipt of documentation involving HIPAA regulations. What exactly does this mean? Additionally, are there

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