In re P.A.F., 176

  • Dan T. Matrafajlo
  • Wed May 2019
  • 0

After petitioner pled guilty and served his sentence for aiding and abetting official misconduct and other crimes, he filed a verified petition which sought expungement of his record of conviction. The Superior Court, Law Division, originally expunged petitioner’s criminal record and then on reconsideration rescinded his previous order and denied the expungement petition.

Petitioner appealed. The Superior Court, Appellate Division, affirmed. Petitioner appealed. The Supreme Court, Albin, J., held that statute which prohibited expungement of crimes committed by a person holding public office did not prohibit expungement of the criminal record of a private citizen who had been convicted of aiding and abetting a public office holder in the commission of their crimes.*

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N.J. 218

After petitioner pled guilty and served

WL 470640

Dan T. Matrafajlo argued for the plaintiff

129, 137-38

An Appellate Division case that arose out of an appeal of a trial court’s decision granting Defend

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